2)There's always a dumbo sitting in front of u.
3)u help the person sitting behind u so that he passes, n ironically u flunk.
4)the question u left out in last minute revision, always appears in the paper...
5)the amount u study is inversely proportional to the time left before the exam..
6)the person whom you help gets more than you.
7)if u look at the paper once it looks easy...once u try to attempt it becomes difficult....
8)when u know everything in the paper.. u will always run out of time
9)The invigilator decides to stare at ur answersheet at the precise instant when u begin with an answer u have no clue about.
10)When you see your exam timetable, you will invariably figure out that the subject you have studied the worst has the least time gap for preparation
11)everything seems too difficult to study when u look at it wayy before the exam..so u leave it out...and then when u look at it just before ur exam...it becomes so simple...but u dont hv the time to study it..
12)when u study sumthin for ur exam, its difficult
after u finish ur exam, n go thro ur notes again, u realise everytin is actually very easy!
13)MCQs which boil down to 50-50 the option chosen always turns out to be the wrong one(the option left always turns out to be the correct one).
14)you have studied only 50% of syllabus for exam, and 50% paper was only from syllabus. You answer both 25% out of syllabus & 25 % from syllabus...n you make it 50%.
15)Suddenly u feel like watchin all d moviezz wen u know tat u don even hav a minute to waste.
16)when u decide to sit and start studying for ur exam at night there is a power cut.
17)u teach someone the subject, they pass. u fail
flunk & pass
whenever u fail n others pass they say "questions r so easy, how come u become a flunk"one another corollary
whenever u pass n others flunk they say "questions r so hard, how come u managed a pass"
19)The flying squad chooses the same day for an emergency check up which you ahve decided for taking the help of chit n parchi etc..
20)he sharpest & shrewdest & most experienced member of the squad sets his sight on U & gets his hand to the exact location(which was incidentally regarded by U as 'ultra safe') where U have hidden the objectionable materia
21)The flying squad will check only those who are carrying the chit-parchis for the very first time in their lives
22)Eighty percent of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed and about the one book you didn't read
23)It is during exams, ya favourite movies are put on t.v... or best movies r released... or ya fav shows turn more interesting!!
24)whenever v have given a choice to ans one question out of two, in such case v r able to ans A part of first question n B part of the second question.... or vice-versa...
25)as soon as u emerge out of the exam hall, happy tht u successfully answered all questions, ur friends start discussing the answers and u find tht u have answered atleat one wrong!!!
26)Your friend to whom you helped in a subject will manage to get more marks in that subject than you.
27)"The magnitude of sleep is directly proportional to the difficulty of an exam..
1 comment:
that's awesome... Every law holds good!!!
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