Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I m the SATAN!

In every city under the sun my name was the axis of the educational circle of religion, arts and philosophy.
Had it not been for me, no temples would have been built, no towers or palaces would have been erected.

I am the courage that creates resolution in man.
I am the source that provokes originality of thought.
I am the hand that moves man's hand.
I am the Lucifer ,the 1st archangel and everlasting one.

I am the builder of convents and monasteries upon the foundation of fear.
I build wine shops and wicked housed upon the foundations of lust and self-gratification.
I m the truth that everyone’s afraid of.
I m the 1st accuser.

If I cease to exist, fear and enjoyment will be abolished from the world, and through their disappearance, desires and hopes will cease to exist in the human heart.
Life will become empty and cold, like a harp with broken wings.
I represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!
I am the Satan everlasting.